Zen spirit and a sense of beauty

Why is most tea ceremony class of the main practice for opening a tea ceremony?

The reason is the answer to the history.

Originally, tea was transmitted from China during the Nara period (710 – 748).

It is said that they came to Japan by monks and Chinese monks who came to Japan from China.

At the end of the Heian period (960 – 1279), a priest named Eisai brought back quality tea from China and planted tea fruit in Kyoto.

That tea grew very well, and Japanese got better quality tea.

And tea has spread all over Japan such as Uji and Shizuoka.

In addition, Eisai not only enjoyed drinking but also told that tea is good for sickness.

And it was offered to the generals of those days, Minamoto no Saneatu (1192 – 1219).

Then, tea became to drink as a medicine, and it became to spread even among sanetomo.

The tools were imported from China as well.

In the Ashikaga era (1336 – 1573), the custom of drinking tea among samurai and good expands.

However, at that time, tea was treated as rich and aristocratic play with luxury goods.

For example, it is a gambling where you drink tea,where you hit a place of origin.

Other people also started to appeal their power by collecting gorgeous and spacious tea rooms and high imported items.

But culture must be  sometimes flexible and changed from the times.

Gradually, the tea law (Murata Zakumitsu 1423 – 1502) of simple and calm than the tea as such a luxury item came to be familiar.

It became possible for ordinary people, such as a tea ceremony in a small room of the Tatami room.

From there, a simple tea of one coat of tea sold at street corners etc. has been made.

And from this time, tea philosophy, aesthetic sense was made.

Takeno Jhouou (1502 – 1555) who studied Murata Jukou’s tea further arranged it more and started “Wabi-tea”.

It expresses the spiritual aspect of cherishing the feelings of entertaining customers with full heart into a frugal one.

Even in Japanese there is the word “Wabi-shii”. The meaning is sad, lonesome in a very quiet atmosphere in terms of feelings.

It is said that Sen no Rikyu is the one that inherited the spirit of such ‘Wabi-tea’.

Sen no Rikyu

Sen no Rikyu is so famous as to say that many Japanese people say “ohh,Japanese tea ceremony is…” “Matcha is ….” is this person.

Sen no Rukyu learned tea from a young age, of which tea teacher of  Oda Nobunaga.

After the death of Honnoji-no-hen, when Nobunaga was knocked down by Akechi Mitsuhide he started to serve Toyotomi Hideyoshi.

Around this time, tea ceremonies were flourishing by the Kansai merchants.

In addition, Sen Rikyu finds artistic in Wabi tea and spreads the aesthetic sense of “Sabi”.

Sabi refers not to mental or internal things but to superficial, visible things.

It is a unique feeling of feeling beauty in an incomplete, sad, old-fashioned appearance.

In Japanese there is the word “Sabi-shii”. This meaning means sometimes losing vibrancy and expressing the state of a situation, scene or situation that is not satisfactory.

In Japanese it is also called “incomplete beauty”.

As for how to use Japanese, for example, “This picture is lonesome here, meaning to add something color.”

This is a word known as a unique aesthetic of the Japanese, which refers to the spiritual aspect of tea as the word “Wabi / Sabi”.

At first, what seems negative also finds a sense of beauty.



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