Well-being and Tea Ceremony

I believe that the idea of “well-being”, about people being in a better state of mind, can also be found in the tea ceremony.

The tea ceremony is not only a culture of drinking tea, but also a culture of spirituality, and it teaches us many hints on how to be in a better state of mind.

1:Well-being and Tea Ceremony

In the tea ceremony, it is said that by slowly and carefully concentrating on the tea ceremony, you can achieve something close to a meditative state.

When you concentrate on something and don’t think about anything else, your mind becomes very clear and easy to think about.

The etiquette of the tea ceremony and how to make tea is generally set in stone, but especially when making tea, it is done in silence, so you can concentrate on just that.

This makes it easier to get out of the negative mental loop of “agonizing,” “moping,” and “not feeling well.

2:Zen and Well-being

There is a phrase related to the tea ceremony, “Chazen Ichimi” (tea and Zen are one).

This means that the tea ceremony and Zen have the same underlying idea.

They both share the common teaching of always being aware of the well-being of people.

For example, the Zen phrase “Chisoku Anbun” means to know what is enough and to worry about one’s own portion.

For example, the Zen saying “Chisoku Anbun” means to know what is enough and to be mindful of one’s own portion, because people tend to focus on what they don’t have.

It is said that by being mindful of what is appropriate, one can live a life of happiness and contentment.

3:Matcha and Well-being

Here are some of the benefits and effects of matcha for wellbeing.

Matcha in the tea ceremony is very rich in dietary fiber, and data shows that the antioxidant properties of the catechins in matcha are also very good for the skin.

In addition, catechins are also effective in preventing influenza infection, tooth decay, and allergy symptoms.

Tannin, the astringent component of catechins, inhibits the absorption of fat and has enzymes that break down fat, making it ideal for weight loss.

Matcha also contains a large amount of tannin, which is said to slow down the aging process and prevent the body from oxidizing.

For example, black tea has 1mg, coffee has 2.5mg, while matcha has 100mg. If you drink the whole powder, you can consume it without waste.

In addition, theanine, which is a flavor component, emits alpha waves and has a relaxing effect that calms down excitement and eases tension.

They also contain four to seven times as much vitamin C as oranges, which helps to counteract stress. The abundance of vitamins, catechins, and flavonoids also help prevent bad breath.

Moderate amounts of caffeine can also help reduce fatigue, and the theanine in matcha can improve the quality of your sleep.

If you take matcha tea in a positive manner, you will be able to enjoy all these wonderful benefits.

Tea ceremony can help you to achieve physical and mental wellbeing.

What did you think?

Of course, there are different aspects of well-being, which is “being in a better state of mind,” depending on the person.

However, I think it is easy to find your own well-being from the wide range of elements that the tea ceremony contains.

Please check it out if you are interested.



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