Tea ceremony and Japanese communicate silently

There are proverbs and words about “communicate without words” in Japan.

・Like”read between the lines or the atmosphere ”
・They(We) know what to do without exchanging words.
・Speech is silver, silence is golden.

Each of them represents the unique values of Japan and is one of the ways in which Japanese communicate.

And it is also seen in Japanese tea ceremony manners.

Rather, it may be more appropriate to say that Japanese culture is still alive in a long history.

1: 3 types of bowing

The meaning of bowing differs depending on the way of bowing.

It is divided into 3 types and called Shin,Gyo,Sou .

*Shin : the most polite and formal bow

For example, when the host (host side) greets you before starting a tea ceremony.

*Gyo: a polite bow next to the Shin

For example, a greeting between guests or a bow made by a host when he is doing manners.

*Sou: a simple bow that a light greeting

For example, at the end of the tea ceremony, a customer says, “Please close (Please finish it.).”
In response to this, the host says, “I will close (Let me finish.).”.

So there are forms of communication, and there are ways that are appropriate for each.

2: Japanese tea ceremony is designed to make tea rationally while being attractive to others.

Even if it’s tea ceremony, the details are different depending on the method and time.

Basically, however, the following points are kept in check.

*show to be clean

*The host will do my best to make delicious Matcha.

*Do not show dirty things to others as much as possible.

For example, in terms of motion,

*Wash away the tools in front of the other person to make them appear clean

*Pour hot water to warm the tea bowl before making green tea,Matcha.

*Do not let the other person see the hot or cold water that you poured to clean it.

These are all expressed in front of the participants.The host have to practice a lot.

“We want them to have fun,value you, and that’s why we can express”that we have made efforts repeatedly.

Of course, the guest who is invited also watches the host side.It is Japanese tea ceremony to cherish each other and express it.

3: The meaning of turning a tea bowl twice and a half times and drinking.

When the host deliver a tea bowl to a customer, he/she show the most gorgeous side of the tea bowl.(The most gorgeous side of the rice bowl is the front of the tea bowl.)

The meaning is that I respect you.When you receive a teacup from the other party as a customer, you avoid the most gorgeous side of the teacup from yourself.

For that, you turn the tea bowl twice and a half times.The meaning is modesty that you respect me.

It is a silent communication, expressing “respect” and “humility” depending on how you handle your tea bowl.

4: Lower your head before drinking matcha.

This means that we appreciate everything.

In the tea ceremony, we think that it is possible because various things and people are involved.

For example, drinking Matcha has a lot to do.

*The person who makes Matcha, the person who makes Matcha
*someone who makes bowls
*someone who makes chasen
*the nature of making tea leaves and water and fire,
*someone who makes chasen

and so on.

It can’t happen without all kinds of people and things.By thinking like that and thanking everything, you can enjoy Matcha more deliciously.

5: Meaning to drink matcha at once.

Basically, you have to drink Matcha at once.Because it is for the person who made Matcha.

This is because it means “The matcha you made is so delicious that you can drink it up at once.”.

If you make a sound like “ZUZUZU!” when you drink, it will be easier for the other person to hear it.

6: Entertain others according to the season or tea gathering theme.

In addition, the tea ceremony tools are arranged according to the theme decided at the tea ceremony and the sense of the season is valued.

In the summer season, we will make a tool that doesn’t make you feel the heat as much as possible, so that you can express freshness and freshness.

For example, we prepare tea utensils with a refreshing blue and white design, or sweets expressing summer.

During the winter season, we try to eliminate the cold as much as possible and produce warmth and warmth.

For example, camellias and flowers representing winter are made into tea flowers, and a hearth sunken is used.

Of course, some sweets are designed to be used all year round.

However, by making sweets that express the four seasons or that match the theme, we can call them more “I want to entertain others.” express our feelings.

It is considered a manner to eat all sweets before drinking tea.

It’s to enjoy the tea that the other person makes and to make the tea gathering go smoothly.

Also, when you are hungry, if you suddenly put something strong like Matcha into your stomach, you may get chapped.

In this way, the customer knows the manner and implements it in order to respond to the other party’s wishes.

7: Create a special environment to treat well.

The teahouse is clean, and tools match the season and the theme of the tea ceremony.We clean the teahouse properly to keep it clean.

We eliminate unnecessary things and things that give a sense of life as much as possible, and value the extraordinary space.

It prepares us to enjoy each other in a special and pleasant space.

The intention to prepare for that is also expressed as “I value you.”.That’s why invited guests attend in clean clothes.

As you can see, Japanese tea ceremony established according to “communicate without words” manners.

Of course, we can do that because we know each other’s manners.

Therefore, I think that sometimes people think “embarrassed” by not knowing manners.

I have had many such experiences. Failure, shame, growth.

However, I make it easy for beginners to participate in the casual tea ceremony seminars and tea gathering.

It’s easy to understand and tell the basic manners, history and manner’s meaning that you can benefit from knowing.

Of course, you don’t need Kimono or straight sitting. Relax and join!

I hope your daily life becomes richer and more enjoyable through the casual tea ceremony.



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[A4 size 3 pages] How to make easy and delicious matcha,manners and useful information[Simple ver.]


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